Welcome Mindful Mama mindfulness & self-care for mothers at every stage

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Feel Less Alone
We help you feel less alone by normalizing your motherhood & life experiences. We got you, whether you are a single mother, an overwhelmed working mom, or find yourself struggling with anxiety, mom guilt, or mom rage.

Calm Your Busy Mind
Sleep is not a luxury. That’s why we have a whole library dedicated to all things sleep. Let us help you calm your busy mind, instead of running through your to-do list, and lull you to sleep or help you find moments of rest when sleep isn’t available.

Peace in 5 Minutes
We know how busy and unpredictable your schedule can be. Get your “sip” of self-care in just 5 minutes with The Daily Sip, a short daily meditation.

Emotional Support At Every Stage
No matter the stage or your life events, we grow with YOU! We support you through 12 mamahood stages—from trying to convieve through empty nesting.

Develop Positive Self-Talk
Cultivating positive self-talk is hard. Hear loving encouragement from other mothers worldwide who want you to know, “you are doing an amazing job!”

Your Virtual Sanctuary Awaits

Accepting That We Can't Control Everything
You deserve to be a calm & happy mother. Reduce negative emotions, increase patience and self-love, and feel confident in your parenting journey today!