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21 Inspirational Quotes For Moms

By Mindful Mamas

Woman with hands on her heart and eyes closed enjoying affirmations from the Mindful Mamas app

Affirmations Directly From The Mindful Mamas App

During the COVID-19 pandemic, moms are expected to give more and more of themselves.

Mothers of infants have less family support.

Mothers of toddlers are losing access to public playgrounds.

Mothers of school-age children are finding themselves taking on the role of home-school teacher.

Yet somehow mamas are still managing everything—juggling the chaos that life is throwing.

But it never hurts to have a little extra motivation, inspiration, and encouragement.

We have also included a suggested Mindful Mamas App meditation to go along with each quote.

The Mindful Mamas App was created for Mamas to have an easy self-care tool that doesn’t require them to stop what they are doing. If you are a mother, you know what I mean. It’s hard enough to take a shower, let alone start a meditation practice.

Mindful Mamas understands all the struggles that mothers go through, but we also know how important it is to stop, breathe, and recenter.

If you have never completed a Mindful Mamas meditation, and you’re not sure what to expect, start by reading these quotes to get a sense of how Mindful Mamas can give you a moment of peace in your chaotic world.

Our app was featured on The Bump a few months ago.

Remember, Mama, you’re doing an amazing job. You deserve to take a few moments for yourself each day. You are so worth it.

Download the Mindful Mamas App from the Apple App Store or Google Play and follow along with these inspirational quotes from our guided meditations.

Quotes for Motivation

You’ve Got This

Those little people didn’t grow themselves. You were there every step of the way. Your house was empty when you moved in, and look at how much beauty and comfort you’ve created in it.
Motivation > Pep Talks > You’ve Got This
Those little people didn’t grow themselves. You were there every step of the way. Your house was empty when you moved in, and look at how much beauty and comfort you’ve created in it.

You Are Enough

Beautiful Mama, you are enough. You are so much MORE than enough.
Motivation > Pep Talks > You Are Enough
Beautiful Mama, you are enough. You are so much MORE than enough.

Working Toward A Goal

You, Mama, are filled up from head to toe. You are grateful. You are here. You matter.
Motivation > Focus > Working Toward A Goal
You, Mama, are filled up from head to toe. You are grateful. You are here. You matter.

For Overstimulated Minds

You always have the choice to pause.
Motivation > Focus > For Overstimulated Minds
You always have the choice to pause.

Motivate Like A Mother

What if you could take a step out of your body and start to motivate yourself like you motivate your children?
Motivation > Motivation > Motivate Like A Mother
What if you could take a step out of your body and start to motivate yourself like you motivate your children?

What Needs To Be Done

Be patient and kind with yourself, mama. You are already doing so much.
Motivation > Motivation > What Needs To Be Done
Be patient and kind with yourself, mama. You are already doing so much.

Quotes for Self-Discovery

Connecting With Your Intuitive Guidance

Within each one of us is a reservoir of peace and wisdom. Within us we have everything we need to navigate life and motherhood.
Self-Discovery > Intuition > Connecting With Your Intuitive Guidance
Within each one of us is a reservoir of peace and wisdom. Within us we have everything we need to navigate life and motherhood.

Set Your Intention

A goal is what we want the end result to be. An intention is the way of being on our journey to get there.
Self-Discovery > Intentions > Set Your Intention
A goal is what we want the end result to be. An intention is the way of being on our journey to get there.

An Intentional Morning Is As Bright As The Sun

Self-Discovery > Intentions > An Intentional Morning Is As Bright As The Sun
You embody a wonderful quality that will support you and others throughout the day. You are bright and radiant and ready. Have a beautiful day, Mama.

Connecting With Innate Worthiness

Self-Discovery > Intentions > Connecting With Innate Worthiness
Deep within your heart and soul lives the truth of your worth. Learn to look within at the gifts you innately possess. Value the person you are. You are worthy.

Setting The Tone Of Your Life

Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. -Oprah Winfrey

Self-Discovery > Gratitude > Setting The Tone of Your Life

“Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey

From Struggle To Gratitude

When we look back, we can feel gratitude for the most challenging experiences because we have learned more about ourselves through the process. We can consciously find the gems in the struggles.
Self-Discovery > Gratitude > From Struggle To Gratitude
When we look back, we can feel gratitude for the most challenging experiences because we have learned more about ourselves through the process. We can consciously find the gems in the struggles.

Meet Your Body With Gratitude

Self-Discovery > Gratitude > Meet Your Body With Gratitude
Mama, your body is beautiful. It’s doing, and has done, miraculous work.

Mama, your body is beautiful. It’s doing, and has done, miraculous work.

Kick Your Bad Mood To The Moon

Self-Discovery > Mindset > Kick Your Bad Mood to the Moon
You are here right now. There is no other place that is more perfect for you. You are here. At this moment, your lungs are breathing, your heart is beating, and your blood is flowing. This moment is meant just for you.

Magnifying The Good

Keep seeking the many moments for gratitude in your life. Even if these moments might seem small at first. A lot of little grateful moments really add up.
Self-Discovery > Mindset > Magnifying The Good
Keep seeking the many moments for gratitude in your life. Even if these moments might seem small at first. A lot of little grateful moments really add up.

Accepting Ourselves As We Are

Self-Discovery > Self-Esteem > Accepting Ourselves As We Are
Motherhood is not for us to plan, but for us to discover.

I Choose To Love Me

Self-Discovery > Self-Esteem > I Choose to Love Me
There is only one you, so why not spend the rest of your life being in love with yourself.

Ultimately All Is Well And I’m Okay

Self-Discovery > Reflection > Ultimately All Is Well And I’m Okay
In this moment, you are safe. In this moment, you have everything you need. Ultimately, all is well.

Celebrating My Accomplishments

Self-Discovery > Reflection > Celebrating My Accomplishments
Take some time to everything you’ve done, everything you’re working for, and everything you will achieve. Your accomplishments deserve to be celebrated.

Quotes for Resilience

Forgiving Yourself

Resilience > Forgiveness > Forgiving Yourself
It’s time for you to reclaim your mistakes as arrows pointing you toward a different way.

Loving Kindness

Rumi— Resilience > Fill Your Cup > Loving Kindness
“When we practice loving-kindness and compassion, we are the first ones to profit.” -Rumi